Sometimes the best photos come from the most random- est of times. Yes random-est is not really a word. But you get what I mean. I might be sitting somewhere and look up and see something from where I am sitting that I think is magnificent, but the person next to me doesn't see it the same way. Snap the picture anyway. 

You might stand up to see if it looks better from that angle, only to find that it was uniquely beautiful in the first position you were sitting in and through the first lens you saw it through.

This is art. Self expression at its finest. 

I randomly will feel inspired to pull over to capture a beautiful sunset at a grave yard, yes I have done this. Or, I'll make someone slow down so I can capture a moment I see happening in the clouds. 

This is the lens of creativity. The lens that sees not just clouds as clouds, or the sun as just the sun, but the beautiful images it creates. 

Creation has a way of being the greatest creative we can learn from. It has a way of being simplistically beautiful and as I began with capturing a moment no matter where; do just that. 

You might be awkwardly sitting somewhere, but see something amazing. Snap a photo. If it appeals to your eye, it is art to you. Your interpretation of something is a wonderful gift you can give to world, and what makes the word "art" come alive for everyone to share with you in.